
Each molecule comes with its own set of formulation opportunities and challenges. Mikart’s development services include a range of pre-formulation...

Pharmaceutical Development

Mikart’s pharmaceutical formulation development group specializes in developing robust product formulas which can be scaled to commercial-level manufacturing. We start...


Michael Kallelis

Michael Kallelis has spent his career in public and private life science companies where he has successfully implemented commercial and...


Louis Weber

Louis Weber has spent his career within the contract development and manufacturing organization industry working for private, equity owned portfolio...


Gus LaBella

Gus LaBella, director of formulation development at Mikart, has over 30 years of experience in oral dosage form development. He...

Liquids and Suspensions

Oral non-sterile liquid manufacturing options offer a variety of liquid and suspension dosage solutions designed specifically around palatability — progressing...